Donnerstag, 23. August 2007

Personal wiki

Personal wiki

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Personal wikis allow people to link information on their desktop or mobile computing devices in a similar way to how a community wiki links information across the internet.



[edit] Single-user application of multi-user wikis

Many wikis are designed for concurrent use by multiple users. However, given sufficient skill and motivation, an individual user can install and run any of them for personal use. This may require installing additional software, for example a Web server, a DBMS, or a WAMP or LAMP software bundle. The user can prevent access to the wiki from outside the local computer.

Some individuals use password protected wikis running either on their own webservers or hosted by third parties. This has the advantage that the personal space can be accessed from any web browser, at home, at work, on a PDA, at an internet cafe etc. Edits made on one machine are immediately accessible on the others.

[edit] Multi-user wikis with personal editions

  • ScrewTurn Wiki - It is written in C# and based on the ASP.NET 2.0 platform. It is for Windows users.

[edit] Wikis designed for personal use

Voodoo Pad Screen shot shows dragged in images
Voodoo Pad Screen shot shows dragged in images
ZuluPad Screen Shot
ZuluPad Screen Shot

There are also wikis specifically designed for personal use. Their feature set often differs from traditional wikis; examples are:

  • Dynamic tree views of the wiki (These are useful because wikis built for personal usage are often small.)
  • Drag and drop support for images, text and video, mathematics
  • Use of OLE and Linkback to allow wikis to act as relational superstructures for multiple desktop type documents
  • Multimedia embedding, in particular wiki can link to internal aspects of movies and sound tracks and stores notes / comments
  • Macros and macros constructors. Also often support for alien macros so the wiki can act as a multi scripting macro system
  • Built in sharing (a built in lite easy to configure server)
  • Much faster handling

[edit] Personal Wikis

[edit] Free

  • DidiWiki is a free small and simple personal wiki written in C.
  • Notebook is a freeware tcl/tk application. It runs on Linux, Mac and Windows. Exports to HTML and MediaWiki markup.
  • Tomboy is a (LGPL) free software program for note-taking in a Wiki like manner. Simple editing and retrieval methods are provided. The program allows for easy organisation of any hierarchical data. Tomboy is stored in the GNOME CVS.
WikidPad Screen shot
WikidPad Screen shot
  • WikidPad is a free open-source, platform-independent standalone wiki notebook/outliner with many features, such as dynamic tree generation, topic tagging, auto-completion, full text searches, visual link tree, customizable interface, image and file control etc.
  • WikiNotes is an open source personal wiki for OS X similar to VooDooPad.
  • Zim is a (GPL) free software program intended as personal scratch book and note-taking application.
  • ZuluPad is a personal wiki designed by Tom Gersic for Windows and Mac OS X platforms.[1] This product is available in both an opensource and a for-purchase version. Some features include automatic linking of wiki words, automatic linking of URLs, exporting of HTML files, and syncing files to a central server with web-access.
  • MemPad is a plain text outliner and note taking program with a structured index.
  • TiddlyWiki is BSD license, single file, self-modifiying HTML + JavaScript based personal wiki

[edit] Commercial

ConnectedText showing a treeview of the linking between pages
ConnectedText showing a treeview of the linking between pages
StoneNotes Screen shot
StoneNotes Screen shot
  • StoneNotes is a Windows based personal wiki system. StoneNotes provides a free demo which is not time limited.
  • [WhizFolders] is a Windows based personal wiki system. Many ways to quickly insert links between notes is provided.

[edit] Unspecified

  • StickWiki is a single file, html based personal wiki system with support for IE, Firefox, and Opera

[edit] See also

[edit] References

[edit] External links

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